ACT Test Preparation
Driven by the award-winning Learning Positioning System®, this online adaptive ACT course is designed specifically to meet the standards of the ACT exam. Students will experience how our technology-enabled course is changing the way your students learn and achieve on standardized tests, delivering trillions of Personalized Learning Paths to meet their exact performance and potential per lesson area. This internationally available, multi-award-winning, adaptive online course is designed to increase student scores a minimum of 3 ACT points, with a historical track record of 5 ACT points!
Pre-Requisites: N/A
Estimated Completion Time:
Major Topics and Concepts
ACT: English and Reading
- Conventions of Standard English
- Sentence Structure and Formation
- Usage and Punctuation
- Production of Writing
- Knowledge of Language
- Key Ideas and Details
- Craft and Structure
- Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ACT: Math and Science
- Number and Quantity
- Basic Algebra
- Advanced Algebra
- Functions
- Linear Geometry
- Advanced Geometry
- Statistics and Probability
- Scientific Reasoning
Careers in Criminal Justice
The criminal justice system offers a wide range of career opportunities. In this course, students will explore different areas of the criminal justice system, including the trial process, the juvenile justice system, and the correctional system.
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Segment/16-18 weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
Unit 1: Overview of Criminal Justice
- History/Goals of the Criminal Justice System
- Development of Laws
- History of Corrections
- Functions of the Criminal Justice System
Unit 2: US Laws: Freedom versus Responsibility
- Constitutional Law
- State versus Federal Laws
- Civil and Criminal Law
- Local Ordinances
Unit 3: Inside a Criminal Trial
- Pretrial, trial, and post-trial processes
- Roles/Responsibilities
- Courtroom demeanor
- Mock trial
Unit 4: The Juvenile Justice System
- Programs and Agencies
- Law Enforcement
- Juvenile Corrections
- Alternative Programs
- Current Trends
Unit 5: Jails, Prisons, and Community Corrections
- Community-based programs
- Correctional operations
- Corrections Officers
- Inmate Rights
- Correctional Reform
Unit 6: Careers in Criminal Justice
- Career Opportunities
- Prerequisites
- Benefits
Unit 7: Evaluating Justice Ethics
- Standards of Professionalism
- Ethical Decision Making
Unit 8: People Skills in Criminal Justice
- Crisis Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Interpersonal Skills
- Work Habits
Unit 9: People Skills in Criminal Justice
- Confidentiality
- Interview Techniques for Witness/Victim
- Communicating with Inmates
Unit 10: Finding Employment in Criminal Justice
- Advanced Career Options
- Resume Tips
- Interview Techniques
Collect and Career Readiness
Do you ever wonder what you will do after high school? This course will show you the educational and career opportunities available to you. You will learn how to get accepted and pay for college, how to find a job, and how to plan for a successful future. Throughout the course, you will be coached by Mawi Asgedom, a Harvard graduate who was the first in his family to attend college and is now a student leadership expert who has trained over 1,000,000 students.
Pre-Requisites: N/A
Credits: .5
Estimated Completion Time: 10-16 weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
Use Your Power
- This is Your Time
- Take Action
- Asking Strong Questions
- Grit and Growth
Prepare for College
- A Better Life
- Making Your Choice
- Triumph over Tests
- Ace the Application
- Share Your Story
- Make Today Matter
Build Your Career
- Ride the Wave
- Know Yourself
- Your Super Spot
- Your Work Experience
- Create Your Resume
- Prepare for Interviews
- Activate your Network
Drive Your Future
- Your Money Now
- Pay for College
- Your Golden Goose
- Invest Your Money
- Find Your Home
- Your Bright Future
Critical Thinking and Study Skills
Critical Thinking and Study Skills teaches students how to get better grades and higher test scores, and increase their success in high school. Students who already perform well in school will learn new study skills and testing skills that will help them get even better. Students who struggle in school will learn about Success Mindsets, study skills, and testing skills to help them perform at new levels. This course teaches the ACE test-taking method to increase scores on key tests such as the ACT, SAT, and tests for graduation.
Pre-Requisites: None
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 8-10 weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
Module One: Success Mindsets
- Taking action
- Growth mindset
- Goal setting
- Time management
- Creative problem-solving
- Grit and resilience
Module Two: Study Skills
- Organizational skills & tools
- Note-taking
- Skills for improving memory
- Regeneration and mnemonic devices
- Tracking progress toward achieving goals
Module Three: Testing Skills
- Test preparation
- Study skills for high stakes testing
- Asking key questions about tests
- Challenging yourself to learn more
- Elevating on test day
Module Four: Critical Thinking
- Critical thinking
- 2D vs. 3D thinking
- The 5Ws
- Understanding inferences and making connections
- Identify and create balanced arguments
- Essay writing
Health I: Life Management Skills
Think about the healthiest person you know. What does that person do to stay healthy? While some parts of our health are determined by genetics and other factors out of our control, the reality is that each of us has the ability to impact our health in positive ways. In Health 1: Life Management Skills, you’ll learn how to promote better health, less stress, and a fuller life for yourself. You’ll explore lifestyle factors that can influence your health, from how you interact with others to how best to make decisions about your health care. You’ll also have the opportunity to create a plan for improving your health, and you’ll learn how to create a healthy environment with family and friends to help you achieve your health goals.
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time:
Major Topics and Concepts
- Unit 1: What is Health?
- Unit 2: Factors That Determine Health
- Unit 3: Health and the Community
- Unit 4: Perception Versus Reality
- Unit 5: Is There a Doctor in the House?
- Unit 6: Working Together for Health
- Unit 7: Taking Responsibility for Your Health
- Unit 8: Sharing the Health
Leadership Skill Development I
In this course, students will acquire new power to succeed in high school, college, and life. Students will learn how to take action by pressing their Turbo Button, manage their time by staying in the Lasting Zone, chart their goals by creating a North Star, and many other proven leadership techniques developed by Mawi Learning, a leadership training organization that has worked with more than one million students. Whether students are struggling or already at the top of their game, Leadership Skills Development will give them new power to create the life of their dreams.
Pre-Requisites: None
Credits: 1.0
Estimated Completion Time: 2 segments/32-36 weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
Module 1: Know Your Story
Get ready for a fantastic journey through the world of Leadership!
- 01.00 Segment One Pretest
- 01.01 Welcome to Leadership
- 01.02 What Is Leadership?
- 01.03 What Is My Story?
- 01.04 What Is My Here and Now?
- 01.05 What Actions Can I Take?
- 01.06 How Can I Change My World?
- 01.07 Module One Discussion-Based Assessment
Module 2: Set Your Sites
- 02.00 Module Two Checklist
- 02.01 Why Do Goals Matter?
- 02.02 What Happens if I Fail?
- 02.03 How Do I Set MAD Goals?
- 02.04 What Is My North?
- 02.05 What Am I Jazzed About?
- 02.06 How Can I Stay the Course?
- 02.07 Why Do Little Things Matter?
- 02.08 How Do I Share My North Star?
- 02.09 Module Two Discussion-Based Assessment
Module 3: Use Your Powers
- 03.00 Module Three Checklist
- 03.01 What Is The Success GPA?
- 03.02 Do I Know My Talents?
- 03.03 How Do I Allocate My Resources?
- 03.04 How Do I Maintain Focus?
- 03.05 Who Is in My Network?
- 03.06 How Can I Serve Others?
- 03.07 Am I Limiting My Connections?
- 03.08 Am I Exploring New Ideas?
- 03.09 Can I Persuade Others to Help Me?
- 03.10 How Do I Face a Challenge?
- 03.11 How Do I put it All in Action?
- 03.12 Module Three Discussion-Based Assessment
- 03.13 Segment One Exam
Segment II
Module 4: Build Your Brand
- 04.00 Segment Two Pretest
- 04.01 What Is External Leadership?
- 04.02 What Is Your Brand?
- 04.03 What Is Your First Impression?
- 04.04 What Did You Say?
- 04.05 What Didn’t You Say?
- 04.06 Can We Meet?
- 04.07 Speaking Out Loud?
- 04.08 Module Four Discussion-Based Assessment
Module 5: Lead Your Team
- 05.00 Module Five Checklist
- 05.01 What Is Team Leadership?
- 05.02 What Makes a Group Tick?
- 05.03 How Do We Increase Investment and Trust?
- 05.04 How Do I Lead a Group Through a Difficult Conversation?
- 05.05 Can You Help Me?
- 05.06 What’s Style Got to Do With It?
- 05.07 How Do We Increase Innovation and Manage Distancing?
- 05.08 Where Are We on the Team Clock?
- 05.09 Module Five Discussion-Based Assessment
Module 6: Change Your World
- 06.00 Module Six Checklist
- 06.01 Why Should You Serve?
- 06.02 Where Is the Greatest Need?
- 06.03 How Do I Get Feedback?
- 06.04 What Is My Plan?
- 06.05 How Do I Maximize My Resources?
- 06.06 How Did I Change My World?
- 06.07 Module Six Discussion-Based Assessment
- 06.08 Segment Two Exam
Leadership Skills Development II
Increase your confidence and build your social skills as you learn how to overcome many of the toughest challenges teens face. Discover how your “super-charged” teen brain really works, so you can make better decisions, have more fun, and achieve more. Learn how to conquer peer pressure, social anxiety, and the unnecessary risks that can derail your future. By the end of your training, you will have new power to direct your own life and lead your classmates. Throughout the course, you will be coached by Mawi Asgedom, a Harvard graduate and student success expert who has written eight books and trained over 1,000,000 students.
Pre-Requisites: None
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 8-10 weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
Module 1
- Confidence
- Goal-Setting
- Decision Making
- Growth Mindset
Module 2
- Peer Pressure
- Stress Management
- Grit and Resilience
Module 3
- Conflict Resolution
- Relationships
- Self-Advocacy
Segment II
Module 4
- Empathy
- Conversation Skills
Module 5
- Teamwork
- Team Goals
Life Skills: Navigating Adulthood
What do you want out of life? How do you achieve your dreams for the future? These can be difficult questions to answer, but with the right tools, they don’t have to be. This course will encourage you to learn more about yourself and help you to prepare for the future. You will explore goal setting, decision making, and surviving college and career. You will also discover how to become a valuable contributing member of society. Now is the time to take action. It’s your life, make it count!
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Segment/16-18 Weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
- Unit 1: Personal and Professional Survival Guide
- Unit 2: The Art Of Knowing Yourself
- Unit 3: Personal Relationships and Life Connections
- Unit 4: Own It: Leadership & Decision-Making
- Unit 5: Managing Your Resources & Money
- Unit 6: Life in the 21st Century
- Unit 7: Love Your Body Inside and Out
- Unit 8: What Now? Finding Your Next Steps
Personal and Family Finance
We all know money is important in life. But how important? In fact, the financial decisions you make today may have a lasting effect on your future. Rather than feeling anxious about money feel empowered by learning how to make smart decisions! Personal and Family Finance will begin the conversation around how to spend and save your money wisely, investing in safe opportunities and the days ahead. Learning key financial concepts around taxes, credit, and money management will provide both understanding and confidence as you begin to navigate your own route to future security. Discover how education, career choices, and financial planning can lead you in the right direction to making your life simpler, steadier, and more enjoyable.
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Segment/16-18 Weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
- American Families and the Economy
- Our Economic World
- Financial Responsibility
- Financial Institutions
- Personal Taxation
- Insurance, Wills, and Contracts
- Saving and Investing
- Consumer Credit
- Managing Personal and Family Finances
- Consumer Choices
Personal Psychology 1: The Road to Self-Discovery
Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? Have you asked yourself if self-knowledge is the key to self-improvement? Are you interested in how behavior changes as we age? Psychology can give you the answers! In Personal Psychology I: The Road to Self-Discovery, you will trace the development of personality and behavior from infancy through adulthood. You will come to learn more about perception and consciousness and better understand the role of sensation. Are you ready to explore the world of human behavior? Come explore all that psychology can offer to help you to truly understand the human experience.
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Segment/16-18 Weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
- An Invitation to the World of Psychology
- Infancy
- Childhood
- Adolescence
- Adulthood
- Aging
- Brain
- Body
- Behavior
- Sensation
- Perception
- States of Consciousness
Personal Psychology 2: Living in a Complex World
Why do you sometimes remember song lyrics but can’t remember where you left your phone, your keys, or even your shoes? How does language affect the way we think? Why is your personality so different from (or so similar) your brother’s or sister’s personality? Personal Psychology II: Living in a Complex World will you to explore what makes you ‘you.’ Why do some things motivate you more than others? How can you determine your IQ? If you’ve ever wanted to dive right into the depths of who you are and how you got to be you, jump on board and start your exploration now!
Pre-Requisites: Personal Psychology I
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Segment/16-18 Weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
- How We Learn
- Memory
- Thought
- Thinking
- Language
- Intelligence
- Motivation
- Emotion
- Stress
- Health
- Personality
- Individuality
- Abnormal Psychology
Public Speaking
Does the thought of speaking in front of people make you break out in hives? Maybe you want tips on how to make that first great impression? In both cases, Public Speaking may be just what you need. In this class, you will learn from famous orators, like Aristotle and Cicero, how to communicate effectively, uphold your arguments, and effectively collaborate with others. You’ll master the basics of public speaking through practice—such as building a strong argument and analyzing the speeches of others—eventually learning to speak confidently in front of large groups. Grab your notes and get ready to conquer public speaking!
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Segment/16-18 Weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
- Introduction to Rhetoric
- The Influence of Rhetoric
- Listening & Analyzing
- Speaking Strategies
- Building an Argument
- Inductive Reasoning
- Deductive Reasoning
- Speech Writing
- Self-Efficacy
- Self-Esteem
- Body Language
- Vocal Techniques
- Speech Evaluation
Reading for College Success
How will reading affect a student’s future? How does reading shape the world around us? This course helps students answer these questions and prepare for college and career success. Reading is a vital skill in the information age when we are bombarded with a constant stream of information. Being able to determine and comprehend the main ideas in this constant flow is imperative to success both in the academic world and in the world of work. Learning to discern fact from opinion and bias from objectivity will empower students to make a better life and work decisions, while effective note-taking and summarizing skills help students achieve their goals in higher education and in the career of their choosing.
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 segment / 16-18 weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
- Discerning the Main Idea
- Identifying Clues Within Texts
- Effective Summarization
- Note Taking Applications
- Choosing Your Note-Taking Style
- Free Choice Reading
- Web 2.0 Skills
- Recognizing Organizational Patterns
- Decoding Signal Words
- Understanding Cause and Effect
- Compare and Contrast
- Styles of Analysis
- Implications of Tone
- Recognizing Bias and Opinion
- Persuasive Language Tools
- Making an Inference
- Predictions, Questioning, and Context
- Connotations and Allusions
- Hidden Hints in Writing
- Preparing for the CPT and College Entrance Tests
Real World Parenting
What is the best way to care for children and teach them self-confidence and a sense of responsibility? Parenting involves more than having a child and providing food and shelter. Learn what to prepare for, what to expect, and what vital steps parents can take to create the best environment for their children. Parenting roles and responsibilities, nurturing and protective environments for children, positive parenting strategies, and effective communication in parent/child relationships are some of the topics covered in this course.
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Segment/16-18 Weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
- The World of Parenting
- Self-Esteem
- Child Development
- Environments for Children
- Positive Parenting
- Parent-Child Relationships
- Family Diversity
- Leadership
- Organizational Skills
- Trends in Parenting
- Science in Parenting
SAT Test Preparation
Driven by the award-winning Learning Positioning System®, this online adaptive SAT course is designed specifically to meet the standards of the Redesigned SAT. Students will experience how a technology-enabled course is changing the way they learn and achieve on standardized tests, delivering trillions of Personalized Learning Paths to meet your student’s exact performance and potential per lesson area. With a historical track record of 300 SAT point increase per student across the United States.
Pre-Requisites: N/A
Estimated Completion Time:
Major Topics and Concepts
SAT EBRW (Reading/Writing)
- English Conventions
- Parts of Speech
- Expression of Ideas
- Introduction to Reading
- Words in Context
- Command of Evidence
- Reading Passages
- Essay and Writing Review
SAT Math
- Heart of Algebra A
- Heart of Algebra B
- Data Analysis
- Problem Solving
- Advanced Math I
- Advanced Math II
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
Thinking and Learning Strategies
In this course, students will “coach” their “team” of thinking skills to meet academic challenges. Through reading, writing, and math activities, students develop critical thinking skills and test-taking strategies. Students also gain reading, writing, organization, and study strategies–a powerful one-two punch for any student at any level!
Pre-Requisites: None
Credits: 0.5
Estimated Completion Time: 1 semester / 18 weeks
Major Topics and Concepts
Module 01: Meet Your Team
- Course Overview
- Bloom’s Thinking Skills
- Reading, Writing, and Math pretests
Module 02: Know the Rules of the Game
- Prereading/During Reading Strategies
- Stated/Implied Main Idea of Text
- Common Math Terminology and Formulas
- Understanding/Analyzing Writing Prompts
- Scoring Rubrics/Sample Papers
Module 03: Train Your Brain
- Analyzing Reading Questions
- Using Supporting Details
- Vocabulary In Context
- Understanding The Five Math Strands
- Level II Math Problems
- Brainstorming/Planning The Essay
- Writing Introductions/Conclusions
Module 04: Practice the Plays
- Compare/Contrast Reading Questions
- Cause/Effect Reading Questions
- Math Questions Combining Strands
- Math – Short/Extended Response Questions
- Supporting Details In Essay Writing
- Strong Verbs/Descriptive Writing
Module 05: Go For the Gold
- Tone/Attitude Reading Questions
- Multiple Reading Passages
- Math Questions Covering All Five Strands
- Review Of All Math Question Types
- Sentence Variety In Essays
- Conventions
- Scoring Practice